FAST 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Solid Life Church Daily Blog by Kelsey Lasher

Hi Solid Life Church,
I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday as we continue our fast together. I just wanted to share with you all some of the things that God has been laying on my heart so far. Yesterday was an amazing day as God spoke so clearly to me in so many different ways. I had been so excited about this fast for so long because I was just anticipating some great things to come out of it. However, yesterday, I found myself doubting that those amazing things would happen right away. My thoughts were that it would take a while for God to speak to me or for the fast to show any results since it was just the first day. Boy was I wrong.
When Scott and I got home yesterday, we decided that it would be good to take some time to pray over the prayer list that our wonderful Pastors put on our website for us to pray over during the fast (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go to our website at and click on the fasting resources link under the “extra” tab). The thing about fasting is that you can’t just give up something, your sacrifice has to be accompanied by prayer. So, Scott and I were going through the list praying over our church and I just felt like God was saying, “Tell me what you want. Be specific. Watch my faithfulness in your requests.” It was so cool and so empowering to feel the Holy Spirit nudge me in that way! The boldness that came out of my prayers after hearing this was something that I haven’t experienced before. I’ve always had faith that God will answer my prayers in whatever way He sees fit but this time, I just felt even more assurance and even more boldness in my requests for healing, jobs, freedom, provision, sensitivity, and blessings over our church family. I don’t doubt that my prayers were heard and that God will honor my sacrifice by answering my prayers.
I would encourage you to do as He said to me and “Be specific” in your requests. Nothing is too big for God and nothing you’re going through will surprise Him. He knows where you are and He hears your prayers so pour out your heart to Him and watch His faithfulness during this time of fasting. God pays attention when we give things up. The Bible says to “knock and the door will be opened to you” - this fasting is you knocking. God will open up the doors to you and will let you into His presence in a way that you never expected.
Happy Fasting!
Love, Kelsey


  1. Just read the reading for today...

    Gen 26: Just because there is famine in the land does not mean God is lacking in His resources!

  2. Kelsey,

    I love this! One thing that spoke to me today in our reading was Jesus said, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields", which goes along with your blog to ask specifically of the Lord what we need. He's in charge- we just need to ask!
    Let's keep knocking and expecting great things as we get ready to go into day 3!

  3. Kelsey,
    God is so good! Great post with great encouragement. I'm just starting the day and getting ready to spend some time with our awesome God. I will be very specific. All of our needs are great, but our God is greater! Time to worship, praise, and pray!

  4. Dana - I will be praying specifically for your friend's baby. Miracles happen - we'll believe for one together!


  5. Reading this now, reminds me how amazing God really is! Sunday's SOAP in Gen. 24 Abraham had one of his servants go find Isaac a bride. The servant prayed a very SPECIFIC prayer on what exactly he wanted to happen so that his answer would be clear in choosing a bride. After I finished my reading I felt God tell me the same thing He told you. Be specific, don't beat around the bush, just go ahead and say what ever it is that you need or want. So that is exactly how I have been praying. I think it is amazing to see God's hand at work in so many different ways. God is good!
